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School Supply

Power To The Parents 

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Together, Speaker Sprowls and Chair Chris Latvala expanded School Choice, protected women’s sports, and have made sure that parents – not the Government - are in charge of their child’s medical decisions. And there is still one more session to go!

Dear Parents, 

As the Education Chair in the House, I helped lead the effort to pass a landmark school choice bill this year. It was the largest School Choice expansion, not just in Florida’s History – but in our nation. We passed a civics bill that will teach kids the dangers of communism, ensuring they will hear firsthand accounts from people who escaped communist dictatorships such as Cuba and Venezuela. Another bill, we passed that caused quite the stir with our democratic colleagues, Fairness In Women’s Sports Act, banned biological males from playing girls sports in Florida, to protects women’s access to sports. It was not only a no-brainer but it was the right thing to do. Liberals called us every name in the book - they tried to get us fired from our day jobs, banned from social media, etc. - but when you are a Conservative with a backbone you do what is right regardless of the consequences.

It is simple. Parents and not School Boards should decide what is best for their children! I will always be on the side of parents. If you agree with my message about Conservative policies in education, please sign my petition. 

Your Fellow Patriot, 

Representative Chris Latvala

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Sign The Petition

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Paid by Chris Latvala, Republican, for Pinellas County Commission, District 5

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